Here are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional thoughts, please don't hesitate to send a text message to your Life Coach.
Q: How to communicate with your life coach?
Ans: The Life Coach will use the video platform Zoom to conduct all life coaching sessions. Text messages and emails will be used to communicate between calls.
Q. How do I make the most of my time with my life coach?
Ans. Be curious. Ask questions you might be hesitant to ask others. Think outside the box. This is your time to explore the possibilities!
Q. How long will it take to make progress?
Ans. Of course, everyone is unique, and every need is different. That is why we take time to develop a customized plan that is designed especially for you. Trust the process and be open to new ideas you may have not considered. Most Life Coach-Client relationships take time to build. The best results come over time. We want to make the most of our time with you.
Q: What comes next?
Ans. If you want to continue working with your Life Coach after your initial 8-week session, feel free to send an email or text for updates on future programs, dates and times are available.
Q: What if we don't "click"?
Ans. Whole Life - Whole You Life Coaches want to make sure you are 100% comfortable. If you feel like there is a misalignment at any time, please let your Life Coach know. We welcome a discussion of your concerns, and a re-evaluation can be completed to make any necessary changes.
Q. How much experience do Whole Life – Whole You coaches have?
Ans. Our coaches are trained in several areas of expertise and have over 30 years of experience. We also continually work with other professionals in fields that enhance life coaching. The holistic approach to coaching allows us to integrate life experience with life application so your Life Coach brings a complete package for you to customize your program according to your needs.